Startup Practical Course of Medical Skin Care

This is a training course for prospective managers who plan to start skin management or are preparing to start skin management.

Small class by 1:1 training, according to the store idea that you want to open to provide 1:1 education courses.

As a business operator and skin manager, there are many things to learn, starting from the basics and accumulating solidly, learning in stages.

Training hours

  • – 2 classes per week, 6 hours per class for 4 weeks (total of 48 hours)

Training contents

  • 1. Skin care
  • 2. Medical skin care
  • 3. Skin management + medical skin care combination
  • 4. Semi-permanent + skin management / medical skin care
  • 5. Sugaring Waxing + Skin management/Medical Skin Care

Startup Practical Course of Medical Semi-Permanent

Different from the existing semi-permanent, it is uniformly injected into the lower part of the epidermis and the upper part of the dermis. It is a professionally certified natural color that is harmless to the human body. It matches the face and facial features to show the perfect design and color.

From skin structure, skin physiology, health care, pigment blending and other overall skin theory education and semi-permanent multiple skills and techniques,on which the customized management for customers based to implement technology application education

Training hours

  • – 2 times a week 5 hours per class for 8 weeks (total of 80 hours)

Training contents

  • 1. Basic theory (dermatology, hygiene, pigmentology)
    • – Skin structure, skin physiology, hygiene and health, pigmentation
  • 2. Eyebrow practice (design, natural gra, emboss, resin, combo technique)
    • – The difference between the existing semi-permanent and the current semi-permanent, and the techniques currently used
    • – Learn to design eyebrows according to your face shape
    • – Eyebrow design, eyebrow texture drawing
    • – Difference education according to male and female eyebrows
  • 3. Practical eyeliner (mucous membrane eyeliner, eye tail design)
  • 4. Lips ( tint lip, full lip)
  • 5. Hairline (M-shaped forehead, face design)
  • 6. Chinese education
  • 7. Model Demo

Startup Practical Course of Medical Waxing

Because the traditional waxing was performed with wax made of artificial chemicals,it’s lack of safety when in contact with skin.Besides there are precedents of skin peeling or Staphylococcus infection during hair removal.
Beeswax is a waxing method that minimizes the risk of cross-infection and ingrowed hair by using a sugar-based cream made with only natural ingredients that are less irritating to the skin.
The waxing course of HE Hanjin Eymay is not simply hair removal training, but a project training that combines postoperative care with other care, so as to provide a better, more professional and more effective education.

Training hours

  • – 3 times a week 4 hours per class for 2 weeks (total of 24 hours)

Training contents

  • 1. Basic theory (dermatology, hygiene)
  • 2. Body Waxing
  • 3. Face Waxing
  • 4. Waxing after care
  • 5. Model Demo